
your perfect imperfection

~your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth~

The world can keep telling you, assuring you that you're beautiful, perfect. But, someday, darling, you are going to doubt your worth, you're going to believe you're not good enough. You're going to meet someone who makes you feel as if you've failed, as if you're not special.

And it sounds cliche every time. But, oh darling, you are truly beautiful. And I've been there before, been there doubting myself. And no matter how many things you read, how many songs you hear, it will not alleviate the biting pain.

But it's okay. It's okay to doubt. It's okay to be not good enough, to feel as if you've failed, as if you've messed up your life.

Because it is through these darkest times that He shines brightest. When He becomes your fortress, your stronghold, your guiding light. oh you beautiful human. find your true identity and your worth in Him and Him alone.


  1. lovely. the photos match the writing, especially the first one ♥

    i went through that phase for about a day (my phases tend to last for a very, very short time, but they hit me hard) when i doubted myself. thank God and my friends for pulling me out of that.


    1. thank you dear emily ♥♥ it's always comforting to know that God and friends will be there when you need them!

  2. Your blog is just so beautiful! This post is so true & i'm so glad I stumbled across your blog!! I'll be back :))

    1. aw thank you dear arushee ♥ i'm glad you like this place :)

  3. honestly....I really needed that reminder today. Ive been struggling a lot in that area and that reminder was much needed.
    thank you.

    I just gave you a follow and I cant wait to keep up reading :)

    God bless you <3


  4. Simply beautiful. i had been kinda down this week..and doubting my worth. Your post is a good reminder :)

