
his call

The world called,
and I listened.
They screamed for me,
and I listened.

I read and saw and heard
everything they could offer.
They said "come, have fun"
and I listened.

They offered joy and worldly pleasure
They offered "happiness" and "peace."
They promised money and riches
and I listened.

But then He came,
and knocked on my heart's door.
He urged me to follow
But I ignored His call.

He came again,
and begged for my soul.
"Come," He implored
But I ignored His call.

And then the world threw me
drugs and alcohol and sex
And I was broken
but I listened.

I took what they offered
Searching for happiness
The drugs nearly killed me,
But I still listened.

But the knocking continued,
"Please, I can help"
He said.

And He came in
Full of true happiness, true joy
true peace, true love
and I embraced Him.


so 2016 is upon us, friends. ♥♥ just some thoughts to start the new year right. and oh, shouldn't our goal for this year include embracing and loving Him? here's to an awesome and amazing 2016. happy new year!


  1. WOW this is beautiful!!!!! I've gone through some things in my life as a Christian, things I'm not proud of, and I could always feel Him knocking, asking to be let back in as King over my heart. At last I did and it is so much more freeing!
    Thank you for this beautiful post!
    This is a beautiful blog and I'm proud to be a follower. ♥

    1. thank you for you sweeet message, kara! <3 it really means a lot! :)

  2. BABY. oh my gosh. this is so, so true. i ache and i ache and...i open the door and there he is. mm. good stuff.

    1. criES. this comment made me smile♥♥ thank you thank you.

  3. So true... Isn't it amazing though, that even when we turn away, God is still there for us, still knocking, waiting. And yes, I want that to be my goal, my resolution every single moment - to know Him and make Him known.

    By the way, I just landed here at your blog, and I will be back! I've enjoyed reading your posts, and your willingness to speak out about things that matter. Keep up the work! :)

    1. jessica! <3 oh yes, it's SO comforting to know that He's always there for us, isn't it?
      thank you for stopping by here ♥ i'm so happy you like it :)

  4. Great writing! God can truly give us the love and peace that this world can't.


  5. Ohhh, how much grace, mercy and beautiful words there are in this post. I absolutely love how the grace of God can find people in the midst of sin that is so deceiving. I am thankful that God pursues us in love and doesn't give up on us.
    I love your blog, I just followed :)
    This really is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read!

    1. THIS COMMENT. thank you dear dear lauren ♥ it reminded me of the song "the love of God is greater far than tongue or pen could ever tell" (beautiful song by the way).
      you're such an angel so thank you for the kind words <3

  6. hihi! thank you! checking out your blog right now ♥

  7. this is so beautiful! I love the way you wrote it <3
