
patterns on the floor

i wake up
to the sun casting light patterns on the wooden floor,
to the smell of bacon sizzling in the pan,
to the musical harmony of the birds,
to the fresh start of a brand new day.

i crawl out of bed
with a heart shattered because of you,
with eyes slowly drooping back into sleep,
with a soul broken into two,
with pain gnawing at my feet.

because beauty always surrounds us,
but we focus too much on our pain
that the intrinsic patterns on the floor are forgotten.


  1. Oh man...yes. I can relate to this so much.

  2. gorgeous. every thing you write is lovely.

    in a painful way.


    1. you're too sweet, emily dear♥ thank you for making me smile. :)

  3. becca's comment was literally my first thought. like ow. owowowow. this resonates deep within my soul and i can barely stand it. but i'm also the person who sees the light on the floor and somehow it just hurts so much and i think that it is a deep yearning for heaven. for my King. for...this homesickness (that seems eternal) to end. homesickness for my true home, man. ow.

    1. i'm giving you a resounding amen. ♥ it's comforting to know that this home on the earth-all the pain and seemingly hopelessness-is temporary, and our final destination is with HIM. i'm thankful for your beautiful comment babe <3

  4. Replies
    1. your comment is like eating some vanilla ice cream (and I LOVE vanilla ice cream) ♥ thank you dear<3
